Lucky he didn’t go to Dark Mofo

WARNING This post contains images some readers may find disturbing. But if you signed the petition to stop the work of Hermann Nitsch at Dark Mofo, and then went home to eat a steak, I reckon you should look at them anyway.   Lucky he didn’t go to Dark...

All clear on chemical residues

The short story: chemical residue tests showed that despite our initial concern, our raspberries returned the same results as raspberries purchased from a supermarket. Background As explained in this post, I cancelled heaps of raspberry orders after getting soil test...

Pick your own blackcurrants $2/kg Jan 21st

SATURDAY Jan 21st 10am – 4pm Location: 710 Glen Huon Rd, Glen Huon. Find it on Google Maps here (don’t be looking for the blackcurrants near the main road, as Google Maps still has them pictured – we grubbed them out years ago). Once you get to the...

So, what happened with the raspberries??

UPDATE: the fruit test results are back – all ok – read about them here. …an apology, by way of explanation… The short version Our raspberries are growing on an old apple orchard site, in which old pesticides were used for some years. As a...

The season, ’tis out of joint…

This kind of thing (and its geopolitical implications) is probably what scares me most about climate change. With snow on the surrounding hills, here are our raspberries, shooting from the buds, before the leaves have even dropped completely. I’m a new hand with...