Pick your own raspberries @ $12 per kilogram, Saturday 22nd December 2108 9am – 12pm.  $5 entry per party/family, which covers the fruit we encourage you to taste while you pick.

This is not a ticketed event, and depending on how this one goes, what’s left, and whether the bushes are looked after (watch the video!!), we aim to run one Sunday afternoon as well – but not guaranteed.

The Facebook Event is here. More info on the raspberries and how they’re grown is here.

PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN CONTAINERS!  Something with string threaded through them is ideal as you can tie it around your waist and use both hands. We will weigh your containers on entry, so we can calculate what you’ve picked afterwards.

Huh, what am I paying?

You will pay $12 per kilo of fruit you pick, and your party will pay $5 entry. So a family of four that picks 5kg of fruit would pay $65.

How do I know how much we'll pick?

Fair enough question, but you’ve got a better idea than me. As a guide, a two litre ice cream tub holds about a kilogram of raspberries.

What should I bring?

Containers (shallow ones are better for transport), sunscreen, hat, sturdy shoes, sunnies, raincoat, drinking water. There’s an outhouse loo onsite.

How do we get there?

Location: 708/710 Glen Huon Rd, Glen Huon. Find it on Google Maps here (someone seems to have been playing silly buggers with the map marker… the driveway is about 200m west of the marker). There’ll be a couple of ‘raspberries’ signs hanging.


Once you get to the driveway, follow the signs.

You can reach me on 0427 536 462

Can you tell me more about your raspberries?

Yup, if you’re interested, you can find more info right here.



We encourage you to taste the fruit you’re picking – there are several varieties planted and they all have different flavours, and some taste better when they’re pink, some taste better when they’re purple, some taste over-ripe when they’re purple. So taste them as you go so you get what you like.

You’ll have the use of the outhouse loo on the homestead (it’s a classic old dunny so don’t expect any luxury!) if needed – someone will be onsite and can direct you as required. This is my parents’ place and they’re fairly private people so while they’re happy for it to be used, do please respect that it’s not an open day on the house and grounds.